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Have A Read

The Sword Of Davalon


Tom Jolleys

Chapter 1:

Night Of The Tiger

'Look out, look out,' cried Johnny, 'it's going to jump!'

'Run,' shouted Diana to her younger brother, 'make for that tree over there.'The children ran as fast as their young legs would carry them, but it was difficult running through the long, tufty grass that seemed to stick to their legs. Suddenly a branch sprang out at Johnny, ripping his T-shirt and brushing his forehead, but it didn't stop him from running towards the tree, and hopefully to safety. Yet no matter how fast they ran, the sound of pounding footsteps behind them grew louder and louder, closer and ever closer, until they could feel the creature's hot breath on their necks like a whisper in the warm breeze.

'Aaagh,' screamed Diana, as she fell heavily to the ground.

'Quick, get up,' shouted Johnny. 'Come on, Diana. Can you still run?'

'Oh leave me, Johnny. I think I've twisted my ankle. Just hurry up and save yourself.'

'I'm not going without you. Here, grab hold of my hand.'

But it was too late, much too late. As Johnny bent down to help his sister, he looked up and saw the huge figure of a tiger just waiting to pounce. It was a mass of colour: white, orange and black, with enormous, white teeth, which sparkled ferociously in the midday sun. As Johnny stared into the eyes of this savage beast, it crouched down low, arching its long back as if preparing to jump. Then the tiger sniffed the warm air and licked all around its gaping mouth, before leaping onto them both, blocking out the light of the sun like a total eclipse.

'No, no,' bawled Johnny. 'No, no.'

Wow, isn't it exciting? But I can't tell you any more because I don't want to spoil it for you.

Now here's the really good news. The Sword Of Davalon is only £5.99, and postage and packaging is only £1.00 - making a total of just £6.99. What a bargain. And there are 224 pages. We think it's a great deal. And you get a great story that leads to the second book in the Davalon series – 'The Trek Of The Rainbow Warriors'. There are seven books in the series. We are hoping to publish the second book in the near future – details will appear on this website.


150 Questions from
‘The Trek of the Rainbow Warriors’
Chapter 1:
  1: What two items of clothing did Diana take out of the wardrobe? Page 11                 
   2: What type of dress was Lara wearing? Page 11
   3: In which year was Lara born? Page 11
   4: Was Diana hungry? Page 12
   5: What were Johnny and David chatting about? Page 12
   6: How did Johnny describe his cloak? Page 13
  7: Which superhero did Johnny mention? Page 13
   8: Which two kings did they have to tell the girls about? Page 13
  9: What did Johnny pick up and take to the bathroom? Page 14
10: Which of the four children was missing for breakfast? Page 14
11: What was Lara reading? Page 14
12: Who thought that they were acting a bit strange? Page 14
13: Where did Mr and Mrs Dalton go? Page 14
14: Where was Lara hiding? Page 14
15: What did Lara want to do? Page 15
16: Who left the room? Page 15
17: What two pieces of jewellery was Lara still wearing? Page 18
18: Who must they free before facing Zenotek? Page 19
19: How much money did Johnny have in his savings? Page 20
20: What did Johnny keep back for good luck? Page 20
Chapter 2:
21: What is the title of Chapter 2? Page 22
22: Was the car travelling very slow or very fast? Page 22
23: Whose name did both the girls shout out? Page 22
24: Where did the green beam come from? Page 22
25: What was the driver wearing that saved him from injury? Page 23
26: Who did Diana see a vision of? Page 25
27: What did they teach Lara? Page 26
28: Were the DVDs at the front or at the back of the shop? Page 27
29: What colour was the floral wrap-over skirt? Page 28
30: How much was the black T-shirt? Page 28
31: What was the only item priced at £2.00? Page 28
32: What was the total cost? Page 29
33: What had Johnny’s trainers cost? Page 29  
34: Who carried the heaviest bag? Page 31
35: Who made the drink and snack for everyone? Page 31
Chapter 3:
36: What drink was offered to Lara by Mrs Dalton? Page 34
37: Which sport did Mr Dalton and the two boys watch? Page 35
38: How long did Diana spend teaching Lara? Page 36
39: Who washed and dried the pots? Page 37
40: At what time was Johnny told to go to bed? Page 38
41: What century did Lara come from? Page 38
42: What is their mother called? Page 38
43: What three items of jewellery did Diana take off? Page 41
44: What colour was the beam that flowed from Lara’s ring? Page 41
45: Who was the message for? Page 41
46: What was Zeena’s very first name? Page 42
47:  What is Zeena’s mother called? Page 42
48: What is the new name of the planet Davalon? Page 43
49: What are the seven colours of the rainbow? Page 43
50: In which coloured zone does Zenotek live? Page 43
Chapter 4:
51: What time was it when David nudged Johnny? Page 48
52: What colour was Diana’s T-shirt? Page 48
53: Who gave the red scarf to Diana? Page 48
54: Who is the rock star on David’s T-shirt? Page 49
55: What colour were the stripes on Johnny’s Joggers? Page 49
56: Who switched on the computer? Page 49
57: Into which coloured zone will they be sent? Page 51
58: What flashed up on the screen? Page 51
59: Is it hot or cold in the Orange Zone? Page 51
60: What is the Blind Hermit called? Page 52
61: In which coloured zone does Broyvig live? Page 52
62: Which zone is described as – ‘one of the deadliest zones’? Page 52
63: How many silver locks did Davalon throw into the air? Page 52
64: What is the name of the stone at the centre of Johnny’s shield? Page 53
65: What will give Diana the power of flight? Page 54
66: What will enable the two girls to communicate with each other? Page 54
67: What is the full name of Lara’s medallion? Page 54
68: What colour was the sweetly-scented gas? Page 55
69: In which zone had they landed? Page 55
70: What was the name of the planet? Page 55
Chapter 5:
71: Which two items of clothing did Diana take off? Page 56
72: What did Johnny do with the Cloak of Mennea? Page 56
73: On which arm did Johnny fasten his shield? Page 56
74: Who knows which way to go? Page 57
75: Who did David say they had come to defeat? Page 59
76: What had Johnny never seen before? Page 59
77: What makes the horses appear to be pink? Page 59
78: What three words did Tessassatta whisper? Page 60
79: Who can you always trust on Davalon? Page 61
80: Name the family that they are going to visit? Page 64
Chapter 6:
81: What is the name of their daughter? Page 66
82: How many stools were brought outside? Page 66
83: What two things did Mr Wurple bring out for the horses? Page 66
84: What is Mrs Wurple’s first name? Page 66
85: Who is the new Vyron leader? Page 67
86: What colour was the hot drink? Page 68
87: Who nudged Johnny in the ribs? Page 68
88: Does Lara like the drink? Page 68
89: What is the drink made from? Page 68
90: What does Johnny call Mrs Wurple by mistake? Page 70
Chapter 7:
91: Which two children climb up onto Tassa’s back? Page 72
92: Who sits on Tessa’s back (3 names)? Page 72
93: What shape is the building? Page 72
94: What type of weapon did the guards carry? Page 73
95: What shape is the Vyron guard’s headdress? Page 73
96: How many Vyrons were sat at the long, silver table? Page 74
97: How many times had Mr and Mrs Wurple been in the building? Page 75
98: What did Staffa vaguely resemble? Page 75
99: Who could Staffa defeat with the Sword of Davalon? Page 75
100: What did Lara use to contact Diana? Page 76
Chapter 8:
101: Who had given her headband to Rosalia? Page 86
102: Who took out some controls? Page 86
103: What type of force did David think controlled the skips? Page 87
104: Who stuck out her tongue? Page 87
105: How many lights hovered in the air? Page 88
106: Who said that the room looked like a prison? Page 88
107: What did the top row of buttons do? Page 88
108: Which row of buttons provided food and drink? Page 88
109: How many round windows slid open? Page 88
110: What shape were the beds? Page 88
111: Who were the rooms specially designed for? Page 89
112: Who was an imposter? Page 90
113: Who said that it was dangerous to travel in the dark? Page 91
114: What type of cakes had the girls brought with them? Page 91
115: What drink was in the flask? Page 91
116: What did Johnny say they could throw at the Red Vyrons? Page 92
117: A different meal appeared after how many seconds? Page 93
118: What number was the meal in which there was a little tiddler? Page 93
119: Which two numbered meals looked to be all right? Page 93
120: What was the colour of the beam that shot down onto the meal? Page 93
121: How long did it take to cook the meal? Page 93
122: Did Diana choose a salad or chicken curry and chips? Page 94
123: What did Johnny’s soup taste like? Page 95
124: Who screamed? Page 95
125: What was the creature in Diana’s soup called? Page 96
Chapter 9:
126: What rose up through the hole in the floor? Page 99
127: Was Peewit in Lara’s left or right hand? Page 99
128: What came down through the grill in the ceiling? Page 99
129: What metal was the curved plate made out of? Page 99
130: How many buttons were on the control panel? Page 100
131: What was the name of the game? Page 100
132: What must he recapture? Page 100
133: Who has the parachute? Page 100
134: How many Red Vyrons are hiding in the rocks? Page 100
135: How many laser guns descended from the ceiling? Page 100
136: How many shots altogether did he have? Page 101
137: Was Johnny a better shot with his left hand or his right hand? Page 101
138: What colour was the flashing light on the left-hand screen? Page 102
139: What colour was the pack on the Vyron’s back? Page 103
140: What two ways can the game be stopped? 103
Chapter 10:
141: How wide was the entrance? Page 110
142: What were the three birds called? Page 110
143: Who felt upset because he hadn’t been given a Tepu? Page 110
144: Who was going to lead them across the desert? Page 113
145: What did Rosalia give to Johnny? Page 113
146: What did the two baskets contain? Page 115
147: Who was holding onto Neka? 115
148: Where was Peewit? 115
149: Who did the Skimmer Wing grab from Tessa’s back? Page 124
150: What was the Skimmer Wing’s only weakness? Page 124
Well done – please email me your score to: tom@booksbytom.com Remember to tell a parent or guardian before emailing or contacting strangers. Be sure, be safe! I would also be pleased to hear from teachers with any comments and their pupils’ scores.
150 - (Maximum score) – Unbelievable! Fantastico!
125 - 149 – Congratulations, that is a very good score
100 - 124 – Well done. Good score
50 – 99 – Good effort
0 – 49   - Well done for answering the questions – why not try again?
A few extra questions. Each answer should be between 8 and 200 words.
A: Who is your favourite character and why?
B: Which is your favourite chapter and why?
C: What is your favourite book in the DAVALON series and why?
D: What is your favourite book (by any author) and why?
The third book, ‘Queen Scarletta and the Games of Death!’ is now available as an ebook for the Amazon Kindle and other electronic devices. The fourth book in the DAVALON series will probably be called, ‘Queen Scarletta and the Twins of Evil’. At present I am writing a book about a girl footballer called ‘Jessica 7 – The Magic Begins’. Tom Jolleys.
150 Answers
The Trek of the Rainbow Warriors
by Tom Jolleys
Chapter 1:
1: Faded blue jeans and a red and white-striped rugby shirt 2: Bridesmaid dress  3: 1256  4: No 5: Their adventures in Sherwood Forest 6: A torn and tatty, old thing 7: Superman 8: King Davalon and King Tyros 9: A pair of tracksuit bottoms 10: Lara 11: A pop magazine 12: Their mother 13: To the shops 14: In the wardrobe 15: Listen to some of Diana’s music 16: David 17: A ring and medallion 18: Davalon 19: £5.76 20: Johnny kept a shiny penny for good luck.
Chapter 2:
21: The Shopping Trip 22: Very fast 23: Tyros 24: Her ring 25: His seat belt 26: The Sorceress Zena 27: How to cross the road safely 28: At the front 29: Brown 30: £1.50 31: The fluffy, sky-blue jumper 32: £22.00 33: £25.00 34: David 35: Diana.
Chapter 3:
36: Coffee 37: Cricket 38: Two hours 39: The two girls (Lara and Diana) 40: 9 o’clock 41: The 14th century 42: Valerie 43: Necklace, bracelet and watch 44: Green 45: David, Johnny, Diana and the Princess Lara 46: Zea 47: Zeeandra 48: Zeetala 49: Violet, Indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red 50: Violet. 
Chapter 4:
51: Ten-to-eight 52: Yellow 53: Allan a’ Dale 54: Alice Cooper 55: White 56: David 57: The Red Zone 58: A coloured map flashed up on the screen 59: Hot 60: Broyvig 61: The Yellow Zone 62: The Green Zone 63: Seven 64: Spectrolite 65: The Wings of Valessa 66: The Golden Whispers of Cerolane 67: The Medallion of the Vision of Truth 68: Purple 69: Red 70: Davalon.
Chapter 5:
71: Her denim jacket and yellow cap 72: He tucked it into his joggers 73: Left arm 74: Lara 75: The Wizard Zenotek 76: Pink horses 77: The glow of the red sky 78: ‘Broyvig actually is’ 79: You can always trust a Wurple 80: Mr and Mrs Bally Wurple.
Chapter 6:
81: Karla 82: Six 83: Oats and water 84: Tocky 85: Staffa 86: Green 87: Diana 88: Yes 89: Various herbs and plants 90: Mrs Wurble.
Chapter 7:
91: Johnny and David 92: Diana, Lara and Karla 93: Hexagonal (six-sided) 94: A long, lance-type weapon 95: Diamond-shaped 96: Seven 97: Three times 98: A huge egg timer 99: The Wizard Zenotek 100: The Golden Whispers of Cerolane.
Chapter 8:
101: Diana 102: Tarmoss 103: Magnetic force 104: Diana 105: Four 106: Johnny 107: They altered the room’s appearance 108: The middle row 109: Three 110: Oval-shaped 111: The Wurples 112: Staffa 113: Rosalia 114: Rock cakes 115: Coffee 116: The rock cakes 117: Six seconds 118: Meal number twelve 119: Numbers one and two (or 1 and 2) 120: Red 121: Five seconds 122: A salad 123: Dishwater 124: Diana 125: Peewit.
Chapter 9:
126: A large, black chair 127: Her right hand 128: A shiny, black helmet 129: Platinum 130: Twelve buttons 131: “Freefall To Oblivion” 132: The parachute 133: A Red Vyron 134: Ten 135: Two laser guns 136: He had fifty shots 137: He was better with his right hand 138: Green 139: Orange 140: By either reclaiming the parachute or falling to oblivion.
Chapter 10:
141: The entrance was ten metres wide 142: Zeka, Neka and Teka 143: Johnny 144: Bally 145: Zeka 146: Food and water 147: Diana 148: Peewit was on Johnny’s left shoulder 149: Diana 150: Light is the only weakness of the Skimmer Wing.
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